Have you heard of Y’all Sauce Co yet? If not, do yourself a favor and go buy some of their sauce right now! If you need a recommendation, my favorite is definitely the Come Back Sauce, but you are going to want to try them all (promise). And once you fall in love with your favorite sauce, you can add them to your holiday gift list ideas (they even have kitchen towels and t-shirts to make gift giving even more fun and unique). Best of all, it’s all made right here in NC by the super talented Josh McGee. So…you get great sauce…you support local business…you share it will all your friends…what are you waiting for?
This dinner shoot was the perfect way to help show off this great company. My neighbors recently re-did their back yard and the minute it was done, I knew it would be the perfect spot to host Y’all Sauce (along with some good friends and friends who just met but instantly hit it off). I love helping a business show off the best versions of themselves through photos. Business branding is powerful and photos are a vital part of telling your story. Thank you Y’all Sauce for letting me help tell yours! (And in case you are wondering…we ate all of this food right after the photos were finished making it kind of the perfect night of work and fun!)

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